All posts by Jennifer Klitzke

"Dressage is more than trot...and the saddle you ride in." -Jennifer KlitzkeSome traditional dressage riders believe that dressage is ONLY for horses that trot. While many gaited horse owners believe that dressage will MAKE their gaited horse trot. Others believe that teaching their gaited horse to trot on cue will ruin their horse's natural gait.I challenge these notions and here's why...Dressage improves the quality of natural movement in a horse whether it trots or has a smooth four-beat gait.Dressage is a French term for training the horse and rider. Whether a horse is ridden in an english or western saddle; whether the horse trots or gaits, it doesn't matter. Dressage brings about the best natural movement whether the horse walks, trots, flat walks, fox trots, or canters.Why? When a rider grows in knowledge, awareness, and application of a balanced riding position with the horse's center of gravity and applies effective use and timing of leg, rein, seat, and weight aids to communicate with the horse, dressage improves relaxation, balance, rhythm, connection, harmony, engagement, straightness, and collection. These elements improve the quality of movement and the full range of motion. For the naturally gaited horse, this means, smoother gaits, deeper strides, and a sounder horse for longer.Enjoy the journey!

Gaited Dressage Gymnastics

Walkers over fences

Gaited dressage quality improves through gymnastic training

I have been eagerly waiting for my arena to dry out enough this summer to begin cavellettis and gymnastic jumping. Not only would I love to train for a three-day-event with my Tennessee walking horse mare, but I am hoping that gymnastics over cavellettis and fences will improve her “jump” in the canter and strengthen her hindquarters for a more forward and deeper flat walk.

For the first two days I free-lunged Makana over ground poles, raised cavellettis, and a bounce. The third day I climbed on and rode her through the same configurations. She seems to enjoy the variety that gymnastic jumping provides.

Photos: Gaited dressage gymnastics>