Category Archives: Gaited Dressage Videos

Gaited Dressage at North Run Farm


By Jennifer Klitzke

Three weeks after the Jennie Jackson Clinic: Dressage as Applied to the Gaited Horse, I took my Tennessee walking horse mare, Gift of Freedom (Makana), to the North Run Farm schooling dressage show held on Sunday, July 28, 2013. I was curious if the judge would notice a difference since May as I have been working on the tools Jennie gave us to improve engagement into connection, balance, bending, and increasing the depth of stride.

Although we were the only dressage en gaite entry, Makana was not the only Tennessee walking horse entered in the show. There was another Walker who has been trained to trot and what exquisite gaits this mare has! Solid round connection, beautiful smooth trot, and a to die for canter. I can’t help wondering if trot has played a major hand in improving her canter.

Makana and I rode Training Level Tests Two and Three. After our Training Two test, Judge Ginger Kawell said, “Good job! Much improvement in your contact since last time I saw you!” We scored 8’s on our center line halt, 20 meter circles, free walk on a long rein, and 7-7.5 in gaits, impulsion, submission, harmony, rider’s position, and rider’s use of aids for a total of 70.7%. Hurrah, now that we reached 70%, we’ll be moving up a test for the next show!

Training Level Test Three was solid, but not as strong as our first ride. Makana didn’t have as much gas to go as she had in the first test. However, we rode a respectable 68.2%. Areas of improvement are in showing more bend through the serpentines and more stretch in the flat walk 20-meter circle on a long rein.

The next North Run Farm schooling dressage show will be Saturday, August 17. Come on gaited dressage riders! This is one of the most friendly, organized, and low key dressage shows I’ve been to. It would be great to have some company in the dressage en gaite division!

For more information about the next North Run Farm schooling dressage show open to gaited horses, visit

Gaited Dressage Photo Gallery>

Video: Gaited Dressage NWHA Training Level Test Two


Video: Gaited Dressage NWHA Training Level Test Three

Gaited Dressage at Rocking R

gaited dressage at Rocking R Farm

By Jennifer Klitzke

Rocking R Farms in Foley, MN ordered perfect weather for their Spring Schooling Dressage and Jumping Show: sunshine, light breeze, not too hot or cold, and no bugs.

Rocking R Farm is one of the few facilities in my area that accommodates gaited dressage at their three schooling shows each year. I’ve been participating at Rocking R’s schooling shows since 2010, and so far have been the only gaited rider/horse team entered. I long for the day when more people give it a try. The feedback received from a trained eye is very helpful!

Gift of Freedom (Makana) and I rode NWHA Training Level Tests Two and Three and received scores of 69.28% and 66.8%. At previous shows, judges have encouraged me to establish and maintain contact with the bridle, so I’ve been working at this. Perhaps I took it too far as the judge felt my horse was bracing against the contact. I definitely see a difference in the way Makana moves which brings up another question:  What do collected gaits look and feel like?

I asked Larry this question last summer at the five-day Larry Whitesell and Jennifer Bauer Clinic. Larry said that collected TWH gaits do not track up as much as gaits shown in breed rail classes and that the head nod is less extreme. Larry said to look for rounding of the back and bending downward of the haunches—not a hollow back and a flat croup. The legs should step under the belly, not step far behind the horse’s tail, so the horse carries rather than pushes itself forward. I am very interested to hear Jennie Jackson’s thoughts on this topic when she visits Minnesota for the Dressage as Applied to the Gaited Horse Clinic held June 29-30.

On the positive side, it appears that our riding in the snow and over jumps have paid off. We received “8s” in our canter work, as well as free walk on a long rein and center line halts.

I can’t wait until Jennie Jackson gets here for the Dressage as Applied to Gaited Horse Clinic held Saturday-Sunday, June 29-30 at Walker’s Triple R Ranch in Cambridge, MN. Jennie will definitely help me establish forwardness and rhythm into contact for a round frame!

Gaited Dressage: Rocking R Farm Photo Gallery>

Video: Gaited Dressage NWHA Training Level Test Two

Video: Gaited Dressage NWHA Training Level Test Three

Cow Sorting Gaited Dressage Style!


By Jennifer Klitzke

It was the last night of my cow sorting league, and I finally got to take the my naturally gaited TWH, Makana. She’s who I had in mind when I had signed up, but she was recovering from a tick-borne illness. Of the three horses I took, Makana got into this the most. I think she enjoys the idea of having something to push around being the lowest on the pecking order!

Dressage training has really helped us maneuver our way around the sneaky cows when they quickly change directions.  At the sorting league we got to ride one time with each person, and I was one of two first-timers among very seasoned riders—and the only one riding a gaited horse.

The goal is for a team of two to move ten cows in the correct sequence from one round pen to the other within 60 seconds. The center between the two pens is called the “hole.” Each cow wears a number from 1 to 0 with two blank cows in the herd. When the timer starts, the announcer picks a number for the team to begin with. As a team, we alternate guarding the hole and moving a cow from one ring to the other. If the wrong number cow sneaks through the hole before it is their turn, the team receives “no score.”

Our best run of the league was with Makana, and we moved six cows in a minute. One team moved all 10 cows in 39 seconds which was fast-paced and exhilarating to watch.

I had my hopes to break six cows when my last ride was with one of the best sorters in the league. I don’t know what was funnier, that me the rookie said to the advanced rider, “Let’s shoot to get all ten,” or that we ended up getting the fastest “no score” of the league! The “5” and “8” cows were running at me from different directions while we were manning the hole.

We’ll get you next time number 5!



Video: Gaited Dressage Sorting Cows

Gaited Dressage at North Run

Showing gaited dressage

By Jennifer Klitzke

Our 2013 show and clinic season was off to a late start with wintry weather through April and treatment for Ehrlichiosis from a deer tick bite just days after the snow melted. Would we be ready for the May clinic and show schedule?

Yes and no. We missed out on riding at the Jennifer Bauer gaited dressage clinic held at RNR Ranch in St. Croix Falls, WI and a couple weeks of our cow sorting league at High Circle Vee Ranch in Isanti, MN. I wondered if we would be ready for North Run Farms schooling dressage show I had planned on. In April I had contacted the show manager for approval to bring my gaited horse to their May show, and I didn’t want to miss this opportunity. Since we were off to a late start, I dropped our level of difficulty back a few notches and entered the show at Training level, tests two and three.

Not a bad strategy, as I am also competing my nongaited Spanish Mustang in Training level this year, and this would be an opportunity to get familiar with these tests. Plus, I had never ridden Makana through these Training level tests as the tests change every four years.

North Run Farms in Delano, MN put on a well organized schooling show. Rain and a flooded outdoor forced us inside, so after each two rides, the arena was open for ten minutes of schooling and warming up. For Makana, it was an opportunity to familiarize herself with the unusual objects hidden in the corners with lots of transitions to get her attention and lots of bending to unlock the tension in her poll. While riding through the tests I noticed that there were many improvements over last year. Makana is more forward without prodding or rushing, she’s more engaged from behind into a rein contact, more up in the shoulders, and more even in rhythm with deeper steps.

In Training level test two we received 68.214%. Dressage Judge Ginger Kawell remarked, “Nice forward ride. Try to get horse rounder on bit to get even better scores.” In Training level test three we received our highest score of 69.6% and the judge remarked, “Nice ride! Horse had movements with rounder frame! Keep it up.” Our two rides received some of the highest percentages of the show out of 14 horses (only one gaited) and 27 rides ranging from Intro to Third Level! To make it even better, the show organizer invited us back for their July and August schooling dressage shows and asked if I knew of any other gaited dressage riders who would like to enter as well. This is terrific news for gaited dressage!

Several people watching the show were intrigued with gaited dressage and approached me with questions. They had never seen anything like this before and were impressed with how comfortable a smooth gaited horse must be to ride.

Thank you to North Run Farms in Delano, MN and dressage judge Ginger Kawell for accommodating gaited dressage at the May 2013 dressage schooling show. North Run Farm is a terrific facility and Ginger is an encouraging judge who provides constructive feedback to help entrants in their pursuit of dressage. She draws from her experience in training both traditional and gaited dressage horses. The next North Run Farm Schooling Dressage Shows are Sunday, July 28 and Saturday, August 17, 2013. If interested, mail in a copy of your NWHA test with the entry form.

Video: Gaited Dressage and Cows?

Western Gaited Dressage

What do you get when you blend dressage with a gaited horse and cows? An application of western gaited dressage, naturally!

By Jennifer Klitzke

I took my Tennessee walking horse Gift of Freedom (Makana) to an “Introducing Your Horse to Cows” Clinic held at Hi Circle Vee Ranch in Isanti, MN. We were the only gaited team among 19 quarter horses, paints and appaloosas which turned a few heads and raised usual the question, “What kind of horse is that?”

This clinic was a terrific confidence booster for both horses and riders of all ages. Horses were gradually introduced to cows over the fence and then individually in a round pen with a coach. We let the horse slowly walk up and sniff the cows and then picked a cow to follow. Once each horse discovered that they were empowered to move the cow, their fear was replaced with confidence.

I had a hunch that once Makana realized she could move the cows, her gift of bossiness would take over. And was I ever right! Within a minute she was pushing the cow along with little help from me.

After we moved the cow around, we were coached to ride ahead and cut the cow off to change directions and keep the cow from joining the herd. The sneaky cows figured out a way to make a break back to the herd and that’s where the dressage training really paid off. It became a game between horse and cow and strategy on the part of the rider. Lots of changes of direction, transitions from walk, canter, gait, halt, bending, turning on the forehand, and turning on the haunches. Only the beautiful expression of riding on the bit was thrown out the door when my horse turned cowy and developed the desired pinny ears and death stare.

It was a super fun time to get out of the frozen tundra and try something new. I’m lucky to live near two barns that offer open sorting and team penning practice each week. Stay tuned, there might be more of this in our future!

Video: Introducing my gaited horse to cows

Video: Gaited dressage and cows coaching session

I hope this is helpful. Let me know your thoughts by sending a message.

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