By Jennifer Klitzke
Although we haven’t met in person, I simply LOVE the fun and enthusiasm Kris Blacklock has with her drop-dead gorgeous naturally gaited Rocky Mountain horses, Gambler’s Jackpot and Goodnight Beautiful.
Talk about versatility of the gaited horse! Kris and her Rockies enjoy Western, English, and trail dressage, groundwork, freestyle, obstacle trail challenges, equestrian drill team, eventing, working with cows, gymkhana, trail riding, and more! She attributes dressage to be the foundation for the variety of disciplines she enjoys.
Kris is a member of North American Western Dressage (which now recognizes Gaited Dressage affiliated with Friends of Sound Horses). She also heads up the Western Dressage of WI Facebook Group.
Kris believes dressage benefits ALL equines—including gaited breeds. She says, “I invite YOU to discover how dressage (Traditional, Gaited, Western, Trail, Therapeutic and Groundwork) prepares ALL horses and ALL riders through classical training of Rhythm, Relaxation, Connection, Impulsion, Straightness and Collection.”
Whether you connect with Kris via the online Western Dressage of WI Facebook Group or in person at one of the North American Western Dressage events this summer (in which I will be one of them), you’ll see her encouraging “horsemanship sportsmanship” with her motto: “learn, laugh, ride, have FUN individually and as a team and share your knowledge, skills and experiences with each other.”
I am so happy to see how others like Kris have discovered that dressage is more than trot and the saddle you ride in! Dressage improves a naturally gaited horse in so many ways beyond the four walls of an arena—and it is a blast, even for us older riders who still believe we are in our 20s!
Congratulations Kris and her Rocky Mountain horses Gambler’s Jackpot and Good Night Beautiful, 2014 North American Western Dressage Amateur Versatility Champion and Reserve Champion!

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