I’ve acquired an unstarted three-year-old gaited horse. What are the important elements in training a young gaited horse? Is lunging a gaited horse a helpful way to begin training?
Here’s my story and videos below…
Lunging a Gaited Horse
By Jennifer Klitzke
Meet Marvel, my new Tennessee Walking Horse / Spotted Saddle Horse gelding. He’s a gift from my fellow horse loving friend, Mary, and will fill the next chapters of Naturally Gaited as his training unfolds. Marvel is an untrained, unstarted, three-year-old gelding.
After a couple weeks of getting acclimated to our herd, paddock, pasture, the routine of coming into the barn, his stall, and the cross ties, I introduced Marvel to the concept of lunging.
My five main points to starting a young gaited horse:
- Relaxation of mind and body
- Breaking training down into short learning sessions
- Rewarding every good thing
- Develop a relationship of trust and respect
- Introduce a consistent means of communication: verbal cues, body cues, rewards, use of equipment
Relaxation of Mind and Body
With each horse I work with of any age, relaxation is the key. Relaxation of mind and body. A relaxed mind is a teachable mind. I help the horse focus on me and our training instead of being worried about distractions around us. A relaxed body is a trainable body and able to produce quality smooth gaits.
Most importantly, relaxation begins with me. I need to be relaxed in my mind and body in order to lead my horse into relaxation. This is helpful when working with a young untrained horse or whenever in the saddle.
Defining Relaxation and Why Relaxation is Important for the Gaited Horse
It is important to note that relaxation does not mean lazy, dull or shut down. Relaxation means the absence of tension and anxiety in both me and the horse. Horses learn best from a relaxed handler and in a relaxed state of mind. A horse’s best quality smooth gaits are produced in a posture of relaxation.
Noticing the signs of tension
Whenever the horse becomes tense, I redirect the horse’s focus, slow down or stop and regain relaxation. When a horse is tense, they often raise their head and neck, hollow their back, their whole body becomes tight, they hold their breath, they are tight lipped, their eyes grow worried, and their attention is fixed on what is causing the tension. In this state, the horse is not listening and not trainable. In a posture of tension, a gaited horse often paces, pace canters, or hard trots. These are the rough gaits we don’t want, right? That’s why relaxation of mind and body are key to training the naturally gaited horse.

There are many ways I help a horse relax, such as teaching them to draw their attention back to me, lowering their head and neck to a neutral position, breathing, chewing and swallowing, and relaxing their mouth and lower jaw. Beginning this education from the ground from the lunge line or in hand builds a great foundation of relaxation with lots of rewards for every good thing.

Pictured is the same horse at the age of 19.
Keeping Training Sessions Short
With a young horse, their attention span is short and they are easily distracted. Knowing this, I break down training into small progressive steps with ongoing reminders to draw the horse’s attention back to me any time it drifts off.
I have been working with Marvel about 20 minutes, three days in a row with one day off. During our sessions, when Marvel responds to a cue, I will immediately praise with a voice aid like, “yes, good boy,” and stop and give him a treat. I reward him for every good thing. Then we repeat an exercise a couple times with a reward in between.
Developing an ambidextrous horse
If we are working an exercise in one direction, we switch directions and do the same exercise. This is super important. Most horses are like people in that they are born right-handed or left-handed. Horses can be trained to be ambidextrous over time. Ideally, work the less developed direction twice as much as the easy direction. This will help the gaited horse develop more even strides.
Rewarding Every Good Thing
Encouragement goes a long way with people, and it does the same with horses. A young, green horse has a lot to learn. Marvel is learning a new language, so it is my job to be clear and consistent day after day.
I used body cues by bringing my energy up and down, verbal cues, “Yes, good boy,” and rewards, treats, and breaks with moments of letting the horse rest in relaxation.
Later in training, I will introduce the snaffle bit to help the horse accept contact and follow a light contact. Then when we begin saddle training, I will add leg, seat and weight aids.
Progressive Steps of Learning while Lunging a Gaited Horse
Lunging has great purpose for an unstarted gaited horse and makes training easier leading up to the day riding begins. Lunging a gaited horse develops communication and partnership. I use lunging to help the gaited horse learn relaxation in motion, develop rhythm and tempo, forward movement without rushing, transitions within a gait and between gaits, changes of direction, working on a 20-meter circle with a slight bend.
Our progressive steps of short training sessions are captured on video below.
There is lots of commentary on each video ranging from the importance of lunging safety; how to introduce a horse to lunging; the benefits of lunging; exercises on the lunge line; developing communication using the lunge line; the importance of relaxation and forwardness; defining relaxation and its impact on training and movement; developing maximum overtrack for quality smooth gaits; progressive steps to adding the bit, adding the saddle, adding both the bit and saddle, and then a saddle with stirrups.
Introducing a Gaited Horse to the Snaffle Bit
October 23, 2021. In this video, Marvel gets an introduction to the snaffle bit and basic flexions.
Lunging a Gaited Horse (Part 1)
(The first lunging video with unsolicited assistance from our gaited horse friends Lady and Makana.)
October 30, 2021. In this video, Marvel is introduced to the concept of lunging. Lunging a gaited horse has many benefits: developing communication between horse and rider, helping the horse develop rhythm and relaxation, developing the top line muscles, and exercising the horse.
Lunging a Gaited Horse (Part 2)
Forwardness and Relaxation
10-31-21. In this video Marvel gets his second session of lunging. We apply concepts of forwardness without rushing and relaxation without laziness. Lots of commentary throughout.
Introducing a Gaited Horse to Contact & Flexions (Part 2)
10-31-21: In this video, Marvel is introduced to the saddle with a recap of the introductory flexions that introduce the ideas of the next step of flexion.
Lunging a Gaited Horse (Part 3)
Introducing the Saddle
11-6-21: In this video, Marvel receives an introduction to the saddle and our third lunging session with the saddle.
Lunging a Gaited Horse (Part 4)
Introducing the Saddle & Bridle
Lunging a Gaited Horse (Part 5)
Changing Directions & Safe Boundries
Lunging a Gaited Horse (Part 6)
Developing Maximum Overtrack
Lunging a Gaited Horse (Part 7)
Introducing the Stirrups
Ground work and lunging are great ways to prepare an unbroke gaited horse for the day riding begins. Next steps will be desensitizing, working in hand with the bridle and lateral exercises to long reining up to the day Marvel’s physical body is ready for riding.
What are your thoughts? Please reach out and send me a message or stay connected by subscribing to the Naturally Gaited youtube channel and “like” us on facebook.com/naturallygaited.
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