The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
By Jennifer Klitzke
The three-day 2011 Mid-Summer Celebration Show held at Simon’s Arena in Cannon Falls, MN drew talented Tennessee walking horses and well-schooled riders from Canada, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Jennie Jackson who is also the owner and trainer of the famous TWH dressage stallion Champagne Watchout was the judge of the Walking Horse classes. The show also featured Saddlebred, Morgan, Hackney, and Arabian classes.
A blue ribbon doesn’t always tell the whole story, but let me tell you, I worked hard for this one.
Gift of Freedom (Makana), my seven-year-old Tennessee walking horse and I won the Amateur-Owner-Trainer Three-Gaited Tennessee walking Horse class, and yes, we were the only entry.
After our ride, Judge Jackson commented, “That was really brave!” (You’ll understand what she meant in a moment.)
For me, the 2011 Mid-Summer Celebration Show was a new twist on an old cliché; it was about “the good” that came through “the bad and the ugly.” It seemed that Makana and I were off to a great start. She had an unusual amount of energy despite the 105-degree heat index. She had the right amount of energy for flat walk, running walk, and canter.
The lineup was another story. Makana normally shines in the lineup by standing calmly and backing soft and round on cue. Instead she exuberantly expressed a desire to back before it was our turn. She backed and backed and backed so much that the Judge Jackson excused us to the end of the lineup. When Judge Jackson reached the end of the lineup, she didn’t even ask us to back⸺maybe for fear that the class may never end! It was a good ride gone bad, and one we continued to practice class after class after class until our blue ribbon ride. From there it got ugly.
Gift of Freedom and I rode respectably through flat walk, running walk, and canter during her solo ride. She even stood calmly in a lonely lineup and backed softly on cue.
“Phew!” I thought.
Moments later the announcer declared us the winner. That’s when the whoop-whoop cheering Saddlebred crowd ignited Makana’s dance moves. She swirled through the air, around and around and around like a top and wore a hole through my panic button. The sequenced-dressed blue ribbon lady spun around like a disco ball to the beat of the organ music while she prayed for an opportunity to transfer the beautiful blue ribbon to my jacket.
Somehow, even without Photoshop, the show photographer actually captured a smile through this frightening frenzy.
Makana continues to teach me humility⸺or humiliation⸺whichever comes first. (Next time I’ll remember that humility is far more pleasant!)
“The good” that came through “the bad and the ugly” was the encouragement I received from many long-time competitors.
“I’ve been there, too,” each one would say.
I wasn’t alone in my fear and frustration when things don’t go according my plan. Each person encouraged me to persevere and face the next class with confidence. Some offered helpful tips like, “Remember to breathe,” and “Think of turning Makana’s antics into schooling opportunities.”
Another “good” that came from the Mid-Summer Celebration was the thrill of meeting national clinician Anita Howe and watching her ride her signature head nodding naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse stallion Papa’s Royal Delight who won a Grand Championship. Anita watched some of our rides and offered insights to help us establish better balance, softness, and engagement that will improve our flat walk, running walk, and canter.
If I had not experienced “the bad and the ugly,” I would have missed “the good” that many seasoned competitors like Anita Howe had to share. The blue ribbon reminds me of the good people who encouraged me when I wanted to pack up and go home. And the blue ribbon reminds me that I find a “gift of freedom” whenever I face my fears with a breath of fresh air.
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