The versatility of gaited horses may surprise you. They can excel in endurance, jumping, trails obstacles, sorting cows, and more with dressage as the common language.
Naturally gaited horses are versatile!
By Jennifer Klitzke
Gaited horses can excel in a variety of equine disciplines using dressage as the common language in and out of the arena. Many sports are open to gaited horses including showing gaited dressage, endurance riding, stadium jumping and cross country, trail riding and trail obstacles, and working with cows at team penning and cow sorting events. Plus, smooth gaited horses are easier on the back and body!
Dressage is more than trot and the saddle you ride in!
Many breed shows offer gaited dressage classes and some open dressage shows are now offering gaited dressage classes. If you hear of an open or schooling dressage show in your area, contact the show manager and ask if you can ride your gaited horse using the NWHA, FOSH, NAWD, or Cowboy Dressage gaited dressage tests and mail copies of your tests with your entry. Since 2010, this has worked for me and I haven’t been forced to trot yet! Many dressage shows are open to Western Gaited Dressage, too!
Video: Western dressage with a Tennessee Walking Horse
Video: Tips on Riding a Dressage Test
Endurance Riding
If you are a trail rider, you’ve got to give a novice endurance ride a try! It is great conditioning for the horse and you can’t beat the view.
(Plus the trotting horse folks will be envious when they see
how refreshed you are when you cross the finish line.)
Video: Endurance ride with a gaited horse
Gymnastic Jumping
If your naturally gaited horse has a lateral or four-beat canter, gymnastic jumping really helps improve the quality of the gaited horse’s canter.
Video: First jumping lesson with a gaited horse
Trail Obstacles
Ground rails and grids improve your horse’s coordination
and are a fun way to apply your dressage aids.
Video: Crossing a wooden bridge with my gaited horse for the first time
Video: Backing through an L-shape obstacle with a gaited horse
Video: Mailbox obstacle with a gaited horse
Video: Bridge and tarp practice with a gaited horse
Video: Grid work with a gaited horse
Working with Cows
Moving cows is seriously more fun than I ever thought!
It’s amazing how much I rely on my dressage aids while working with cows. Plus, horses like my naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse who is on the low end of the pecking order, loves having something to push around!
Video: Introducing your horse to cows clinic
Video: Sorting cows with a gaited horse
Riding in Snow
If you don’t have an indoor like me and live in the frozen tundra,
discover how much fun it is to ride your horse in the snow! A midnight, moonlight ride is the best!
Video: Riding in Wonderland
Video: Walkin’ in Wonderland
I hope this is helpful. Let me know your thoughts by sending a message.
Visit website: NaturallyGaitedHorse.com
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Follow: facebook.com/naturallygaitedhorse
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