The record heat wave with 82% dew points and 105-degree heat indexes broke just in time for the Walker’s Triple R Schooling Dressage Show in Cambridge, MN. Mike and Judy Walker put on another relaxed and well-run schooling show for 22 rides ranging from Intro through 2nd Level.
Many breeds were represented including Thoroughbreds, Quarter Horses, a Paint, a Swedish Warmblood, Appaloosa, Haflinger, Friesians, and my 7-year-old Tennessee Walking Horse Gift of Freedom. We’ve been working hard on our dressage since the B.L.E.S.S. Clinic and it must have paid off. We placed first and second in First Level Tests 1 and 2 with scores of 66.2% and 61.9% against trotting horses.
Judge Val Vetos commented, “Very nice team. Good on the basics of bend and balance.”
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