My naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse and I took a stab at Western Dressage, and we weren’t the only gaited horse entry!
Western Dressage for Gaited Horses
By Jennifer Klitzke
My naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse mare, Gift of Freedom, and I took a stab at Western Dressage for the first time. A stable in Cambridge, MN offered classes in traditional dressage, western dressage, gaited dressage and western gaited dressage. I was thrilled because this was also the first dressage show we’ve attended in which we weren’t the only gaited dressage entry! There was another gaited horse and rider team who rode FOSH Intro A and FOSH Intro B tests.
Since no Western Gaited Dressage tests are currently available, Makana and I rode the NWHA tests. We received a 68% on NWHA gaited first level test one and a 65% on NWHA gaited training level test one. Highlights were receiving a “9” on our centerline/halt first level test and “8’s” on our free walk on a long rein.
Improvement areas are finding a well-fitting western saddle. We are working on getting this resolved soon. The saddle I rode in, even with shims, hindered her shoulder movement. Although we received “7’s” for impulsion and quality of gaits, Makana felt reluctant to step deep and maintain a fluid canter in this western saddle. My gaited horse moves best in a dressage saddle, but I can’t ride western gaited dressage in an english saddle! I wonder if there is a saddle maker who produces a western looking saddle on a dressage tree?
The schooling dressage show encouraged western entrants to ride in snaffle bits. Our next schooling dressage show at another farm in Foley, MN allows western dressage using curbs or snaffles.

I hope this is helpful. Let me know your thoughts by sending a message.
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